Roundtables 2017-2018 i Moving 30

Materialer fra roundtables i Moving 30

På et roundtable mødes deltagere fra Moving 30-virksomhederne og drøfter et emne. Hvert roundtable inviterer til, at deltagerne præsenterer egne erfaringer og udfordringer, ligesom de får inspiration til det strategiske arbejde med Mobility Management og til indsatser, som kan gøre medarbejdernes pendling og erhvervskørslen grønnere.

Roundtables henvender sig til chefer, mellemledere og konsulenter i virksomhedernes HR, CSR, Facility Management, kommunikations- og Public Affairs-afdelinger. Emnerne for de fire roundtables i 2017-2018 er:

  1. Facilities supporting flexible mobility (Facility Management fokus)
  2. Making sense of sustainable transport (CSR fokus)
  3. Accessible and attractive workplace (HR fokus)
  4. Public Private coorporation (Public Affairs fokus)

Nedenfor kan du finde materialer og powerpoints fra allerede afholdte roundtables i Moving 30:

Roundtable VI – 17. april 2018:
Public private cooperation

Introduction to roundtable on cooperation for smart mobility solutions (pdf)
Anna Thormann Boesen, Program Manager, Gate 21 / Moving People

Future scenarios for congestion in the metropolitan area (pdf)
Leif Gjesing, Chief Consultant, Metroselskabet

The topics of the traffic and mobility plan and how can stakeholders intervene? (pdf)
Birgit E. Petersen, Chief Advisor, The Capital Region

Mobility options when closing train lines for construction work (pdf)
Anja Puggaard, Mobility Advisor, Movia

Roundtable III – 27. februar 2018:
Accessible and attractive workplace

The importance of accessibility for attracting and retaining the best qualified employees
Charlotte Hauerslev, seniorprojektleder, Gate 21

Case: How can Mobility Management be incorporated in HR and management?
Lene Stuhr, HR Director, Agilent Technologies Denmark ApS

The Go Active-study on cycling as healthy transport: How can transport to work replace the fitness
Jonas Winther, PhD og Jonas Salling Quist, postdoc, University of Copenhagen

How can cycling contribute to better worklife balance?
Niels Bradtberg, Director, Active Consulting

Roundtable II – 27. november 2017:
Making sense of sustainable transport

Velkommen og introduktion (pdf)
Anna Thormann Boesen, programleder Gate 21

UN Sustainable Development Goals and the importance and possible impact of a partnership on transport (pdf)
Henrik Gudmundsson, Chief Consultant, Concito

Case: Making sense of mobility and transport solutions with a CSR Strategy at TRYG (pdf)
Birgitte Kofoed, CEO, Carve

Pitch: Communicating the greater purpose of better transport (pdf)
Christina Blak, Creative Director, We Love People

Roundtable I – 27. september 2017:
Facilities supporting flexible mobility

Velkommen og introduktion (pdf)
Anna Thormann Boesen, programleder Gate 21

Case: Rambøll’s travel analysis and its influence on facilities and parking strategy (pdf)
Morten Agerlin, Senior Transport Planner, GIS and Data Analysis Specialist, Rambøll

Case: Effective mobility policy for Maastricht University Medical Center+ (pdf)
Results of soft and hard initiatives to reduce the need for parking spaces
Rick Miltenburg MFM, Manager Process Group Services, Maastricht UMC+

Overblik over faciliteter i Moving 30 virksomheder (pdf)